One of the news channels was telecasting a program named so bizarrely that I restrict myself from using its name because I want my blog clean. That program was trying very hard to explain the most obvious change in the social life of the people in India. And this change is in the form of number of extra-marital affairs one can have and the techniques up to keep them a secret. I am not sure if the channel is blind not to see the productive advancement we are making or is it despicable to ignore it. Also, what was the actual intention behind the program, whether to alert the house wives or to give new ideas to people.
And there was another show explaining why a particular heroine was exposing in a movie. The entire program went on in a language that would embarrass every woman in the world, but not anchor of the program. What is more shocking is the voice-over was of a woman and she modulates her voice so much, stresses on some specific words which forces me to scorn and change the channel. And yet I am writing about it, oh my guts. If that was the scary story of the audio, imagine how the video could be. Another channel was telecasting a detailed program related to the physical appearance of the heroines. I was shocked by the way they were explaining the features of their physiques. They act so true to their stories as if the heroines themselves have claimed to them in person. Why don’t they ever speak about the bulging bodies of our male actors? They still act as heroes in spite of puffs of fat, broad playgrounds, family packs. The reason is simple, it is assumed by many and accepted by others that we Indians like sleaze. Those who assumed took an advantage of the vulnerability of those who accepted.
There is another channel which shows regular based on the existence of aliens. We all how most of the news channels get the information from - Internet. Research is still going on, why tell the same thing every week? There are many and many situations where the media intrudes the personal life of celebrities, ask them weird questions and when they freak out, make an big issue out of it and even take pleasure of making an hour show on that.
One of the news channels was telecasting a song that pushed many people into depression and forced many more to end their lives. This song was banned in many countries and our channel proudly presents a show by playing the song again and again. Excuse me, people are watching your channel so please have some common sense. And the next day the same channel was telecasting a programme showing a doll with life. OMG, I was wondering are these reporters or refugees from tribal area? Gosh, only children grow up, but news channels will never. They pick up some random stories and videos from internet and make an hour show out of it. For your kind information news channels are not meant for just entertainment.
Thanks to the government which laid restrictions on reporting the situation at OU long back. They exaggerate too much which excites the people especially the youngsters. At the same time the IPL auction was going on last year. The news channels ASAP switched from the agitation going on in our state to those cricket stories and histories. True that they must be up to date, but the order of priority must always be considered.
In the last decade many news channels have popped up. Are there any criteria to be fulfilled or rules to be followed or any oath to be taken for anyone to start a news channel? The present situation doesn't make it seem so. Today what all you need to start a news channel is crores in your pocket and political contacts. Why are even actors starting channels and newspapers if not for their political publicity or may be because they consider it a commercial field.
What all I wanted to say through this post is that the news channels have the ability to change the society. There are many situations where the media has taken proactive responsibility and came out successfully. Why do they have to highlight more of provocative/negative/useless content when there are many colorful, positive, informative topics always available? May be it is in every profession to highlight the negatives of others. Even I am doing the same right now.
*Applicable to local Indian News channels.