Well-known Strangers

Days and years pass,

And, one day you'll see me

On a busy road,

Well, in the same city

While you have gone abroad and

lived a thousand ecstatic lives in one.

I, here, have seen a thousand different lives,

and yet you would have repeated the same line, "I miss you."

But, we only look at each other, not a word, nor a swerve 

Is it a mirage or a miracle? I wonder.

And, for a change you say, "I am proud of you!"

Oh Sun, Give Us Your Sunshine

Oh sun, give me your sunshine, 
So I can find and fight the hidden monsters.
But what do I do about the inhumaneness that is right before my eyes?

Oh sun, give me your sunshine, 
So I can bring out those who live in the gloomy streets.
But how can I enlighten the dark thoughts in their minds?

Oh sun, give me your sunshine, 
So I can nourish my body to make it healthy and complete
But how can I help those who lost their limbs and lives in attacks?

Oh sun, give me your sunshine, 
So I can enjoy the grandeur of mother nature
But what can I say to people who only wish for latest gadgets?

Oh sun, give me your sunshine,
So I can let my child enjoy and cherish life like I did, 
But alas, do I actually want to bring him into such a world as this?

Oh sun, give me your sunshine,
Not for me, but for everyone else.
For I live just for myself, but you raise and shine for everyone!!

If Only...

If only I had known that the night would fall so quickly,
I wouldn't have lived this day recklessly.

If only I knew our years were numbered, 
I would have kissed you more and hugged you more often.

Maybe, every time I loosened my hand from yours, 
I should have believed for once, that, at the right moment even the wrong wishes are granted.

That spur of my anger, that hell that I broke loose,
Now seem so small before your ageless love, but if only I knew.

If only I knew that experience matters more than logic, 
I wouldn't have smothered your judgement nor would I insist on mine. 

If only I knew that after the storm comes the sunshine, 
If only I knew that love is the solution to all problems,
I wouldn't have spent every second as an aeon, 
Instead, I would have chosen to fly with you to the eternal end.

A Run From Your World To Mine

The clothes I wore rubbed their artificiality on me.

The people who touched, touched only my skin, oblivion to the much more inside.

The embellishments on my body did no more or no less than just being there.

I run, I run away from this world that judges the colour and texture of my skin, 
the size and shape of my body;  
the world that slows the blood in my veins and 
assumes me for what I am not. 

Boldly wearing only my thoughts, I lie naked, 
for being naked is the only purest way of being myself. 
And thoughts are my only embellishments.